Eliza Trembleshroud
Eliza Trembleshroud's (born Sharon Flepps. 1975) reign of inconvenience began in the summer of 1991 when she landed a Saturday job in John Menzies, Rotherham. All seemed to go smoothly for the first few weeks until Mrs Ida Lenthorpe (now deceased) returned her copy of People's Friend after she discovered that every face in the magazine had been replaced with that of popular goth heart throb, Vincent Crepuscular. On closer examination of the magazine racks it was revealed that Eliza had drawn bats throughout every copy of "Caravanning Today", penned an indecent poem about Vincent Crepuscular on the contents page of "Our Pets" and inserted a "free gift" of a freeze-dried weasel's tear in every copy of "What Radiator". She was last seen working in Greggs in Whitby.